Musings from our Sans Beast world on innovative materials, style, creativity + purpose-led business.

NEWS: Ethics, Value + the Sans Beast Approach
Cathryn shares what goes into a Sans Beast bag, what value means to her – and ultimately, why creating pieces without animal products is important to the Sans Beast brand. ...

INSPIRATION: Behind the Sans Beast Logo
'What's with the upside down A?' We often get asked about what our logo means - discover the design journey to developing our distinctive 'Ox'.

EDUCATION: What Is Vegan Leather?
Whether it's for environmental or ethical reasons, more + more people are seeking alternatives to leather in the fashion space. The term 'vegan leather' has gained in popularity as a...

INSPIRATION: Series 10 - Memento
Series 10: Memento, is nearly here. What is about the notion of memento mori that resonated, who are our creative collaborators + where is that stunning garden? All of these questions...

Nick Pearce is Co-founder + CEO of HoMie, a Melbourne based retail brand that uses its profits to provide training + employment opportunities for youth experiencing homelessness. We caught up...

CARE: How to Clean Vegan Leather
How do you clean your vegan leather bags + wallets? Designing + manufacturing products to a high standard is our starting point but the other part of the puzzle is...

IN CONVERSATION: Joshua Katcher, Brave Gentleman
Joshua Katcher is the founder of Brave GentleMan, a NYC based menswear brand offering tailoring with an edge - that also happens to be completely animal free in raw material...

INSPIRATION: Series 05 - The Illuminated Fifth
Read about our inspiration, our collaborators + why we felt so strongly about getting illuminated, for our Series 05 photographic campaign. In a time of unrest in the world, let...