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Uppeal™ AppleSkin 'Leather' Bags

Discover our range of handbags made from Italian Uppeal™ Appleskin. Our Transit + Gemini handbags combine bold silhouettes with next-gen materials for a modern mood.

This innovative leather alternative is made from the waste of the apple industry, with the fabric having a carbon footprint around 8 times lower than animal leather.

The Uppeal™ Appleskin fabric does not require the extreme amounts of water + energy as animal leather to be produced, nor does it require the chemicals used to stop animal skin from decomposing - ie the tanning process that is used for approximately 90% of the world's leather.

What fits inside?

Enjoy the seriously capacious volume of the Transit or keeps things petite with the Transit Mini or Gemini handbags. See just what fits inside them all in our What's in My Bag video series.
The Making of Uppeal™ Apple 'Leather'

Waste from the production of apple juice + jams is recovered, and instead of the usual disposal - by burning to ashes or depositing in landfill - these apple materials are dried, ground + turned into a powder which is laid out + sealed with a resin to create a durable leather alternative.