2020 has been tumultuous so far + Sans Beast has not been immune to the challenges. As a niche, vegan handbag brand celebrating our second birthday in March, it was a rude awakening to follow the blowing out of the birthday candles with a new acronym + lifestyle - WFH. However this post is not about doom + gloom, it's about celebrating creativity, getting excited about a new collection, recognising the power (and importance) of collaboration + enjoying the notion of blooming again.
Nick Pearce is Co-founder + CEO of HoMie, a Melbourne based retail brand that uses its profits to provide training + employment opportunities for youth experiencing homelessness. We caught up with Nick to talk about how HoMie came about + the challenges facing young people living rough.
Amanda Leigh Walker is the Co-founder + Head of Operations of vegan fast food institution, Lord of the Fries. She's also a life coach + teaches people how to recalibrate their power, lead with love, live authentically + with purpose. We caught up to discuss her journey from french fry mogul to spiritual healer. We could all do with some healing right now - we hope you enjoy this conversation. And for those who haven't tried the fries - we strongly encourage you to do so. Everyone needs a salty potato treat to cheer up an iso day.
How do you clean your vegan leather bags + wallets? Designing + manufacturing products to a high standard is our starting point but the other part of the puzzle is how they are cared for. How we use, clean + care for handbags has a considerable impact on how long they last. We’ve put together some simple information to ensure everyone can care for their prized Sans Beast treasures, and help them last for years to come. Read on for some tips + tricks to keep your beasts looking their best.
Welcoming in a new year often brings with it plans for lofty resolutions. However, instead of feeling like a failure in week one of January with broken promises to self - we think it's best to be gentle on yourself + make an easy (and do-able) list of farewells / hellos for the year ahead. The Sans Beast team have put together a shortlist of things we're leaving behind in 2019 + things we're going to manifest. Read on for a dose of inspiration for making 2020 a year of illuminated action.
"As we approach the end of 2019, not only are we getting ready to bid farewell to another year, it's time also to ponder the fact that it's not just a new year that's about to start - it's a new decade. 5 years ago, Sans Beast wasn't even a thought in my mind. Fast-forwarding to the dawn of the 2020's - and I couldn't imagine being in a different place. Love, CW."
Responsible fashion choices that respect people, animals and our planet should be the norm, not a trend. We share some thoughts + tips for being a more conscious consumer this festive season (and beyond). We wish you the happiest of festive seasons + a beautiful 2020 ahead.
INSPIRATION: Confessions of a (formerly misguided) Animal Lover
By Jennifer Wills
An open letter to animals, from our Sans Beast founder Cathryn Wills. She highlights the contradictions that exist in our attitudes to various species + includes lists of books + films to read/watch if you want to learn more.
Continuing the conversation with some fabulous founders building businesses in the 'animal product free' space - why they do what they do, what the market response has been + how they keep things firing when times are tough. Read about the founders of Twoobs, No Saints + Ahimsa Collective - a bunch of inspiring women doing things their way.
Welcome to Series 04: The Afterglow of Mutiny. Read about our creative process, our collaborators + why mutiny made it into our vernacular this season. We shot this campaign in the depths of a Melbourne winter, yet somehow we got the glow going. As always, we're grateful to the collaborative crew who came together to work on this project with us. We always ask people to join the (vegan) revolution - and now more than ever, a bit of mutiny may be required.
Creating a business with an ethical ethos is no easy task. We spoke with Amanda Walker, Co-Founder + Head of Operations at vegan fast food chain, Lord of the Fries, Anna Ross, Founder + Creative Director of ethical beauty brand Kester Black, and Gilat Shani, Designer + Co-Owner, Unreal Fur - about building a business with purpose, what collaboration looks like + how they remain focused + optimistic when challenges arise. This is Part 1 + next week for Part II, we'll talk with the fabulous founders of Ahimsa Collective, TWOOBS + No Saints shoes.
IN CONVERSATION: Laura Callan, The Bright Store London
By Cathryn Wills
More stories from CW's travels. In this post, we've included excerpts from an interview with the wonderful Laura Callan of The Bright Store in London + a few go-to vegan spots for eats in London, Paris + Amsterdam.