Last week Cathryn went to Shanghai, on the invitation of ActAsia, to participate in the Compassion in Fashion forum. ActAsia are a not for profit organisation who build + drive education programmes in China, with a focus on animal welfare + environmental responsibility. Read the overview of her talk, and some of the cross cultural challenges in discussing the Sans Beast ethos with new audiences.
INSPIRATION: Confessions of a (formerly misguided) Animal Lover
By Jennifer Wills
An open letter to animals, from our Sans Beast founder Cathryn Wills. She highlights the contradictions that exist in our attitudes to various species + includes lists of books + films to read/watch if you want to learn more.
Creating a business with an ethical ethos is no easy task. We spoke with Amanda Walker, Co-Founder + Head of Operations at vegan fast food chain, Lord of the Fries, Anna Ross, Founder + Creative Director of ethical beauty brand Kester Black, and Gilat Shani, Designer + Co-Owner, Unreal Fur - about building a business with purpose, what collaboration looks like + how they remain focused + optimistic when challenges arise. This is Part 1 + next week for Part II, we'll talk with the fabulous founders of Ahimsa Collective, TWOOBS + No Saints shoes.
IN CONVERSATION: Laura Callan, The Bright Store London
By Cathryn Wills
More stories from CW's travels. In this post, we've included excerpts from an interview with the wonderful Laura Callan of The Bright Store in London + a few go-to vegan spots for eats in London, Paris + Amsterdam.
CW has been in London + Europe for a few weeks, talking with inspiring people, getting the mood of retail + street style, seeking out plant based options along the road to share with the SB community back here in Melbourne + attending the Copenhagen Fashion Summit. Read her take on the Summit here.
Happy 1st Birthday to us! A reflection on the year that was, as Sans Beast turns one. Read about our highs + lows - and ultimately, our happiness + gratitude, in arriving at our first birthday in one piece, ready to embrace what's next.